Experiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant and Food Service Management in Ha Long City

Recently, HaUI students had a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in Ha Long City, one of Vietnam's most vibrant tourist destinations. This initiative underscores the university's commitment to blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring that graduates are industry-ready.

Ha Long City, located in Quang Ninh Province, is famed for its stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Ha Long Bay. The city attracts millions of tourists annually, making it an ideal learning ground for students aspiring to excel in hospitality and food service management. The bustling tourism industry offers opportunities for students to immerse themselves in real-world scenarios, enhancing their learning experience.

Practical Experience Activities Internships at Prestigious Hotels, Resorts and Restaurants

HaUI students undertook internships at some of the most renowned hotels and resorts in Ha Long City, including Muong Thanh Luxury, Thai Son Luxury, Bhaya Cruise... These establishments gave students invaluable insights into daily operations, customer service, and administrative functions.

Experiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant, and Food Service Management in Ha Long City

Experiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant, and Food Service Management in Ha Long City

In addition to hotel internships, students were placed in various upscale restaurants and food service establishments. They learned the intricacies of kitchen operations, food safety standards, menu planning, and customer satisfaction. This hands-on experience is crucial for understanding the fast-paced and detail-oriented nature of the food service industry.

The program included workshops conducted by industry experts. Topics ranged from emerging trends in hospitality management to sustainable practices in food service. These sessions allowed students to engage with professionals, ask questions, and gain a broader perspective on the industry’s future.

Experiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant, and Food Service Management in Ha Long City

Understanding local culture is vital in the hospitality industry. Students participated in cultural immersion activities, including tours of local landmarks, traditional cooking classes, and interactions with local artisans. This helped them appreciate the cultural context in which they will be working, fostering a sense of empathy and cultural sensitivity.

Direct interaction with customers provided students with firsthand experience in managing guest relations. They were involved in handling guest complaints, managing bookings, and ensuring a seamless guest experience. Feedback sessions were held where students could reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement.

Impact on Student Development

The practical experience activities in Ha Long City have had a profound impact on HaUI students, equipping them with skills that go beyond textbook learning. They developed a deeper understanding of the hospitality and food service sectors, learning to navigate challenges and innovate solutions in real time. Moreover, the exposure to a high-volume tourist environment honed their ability to manage stress and deliver exceptional service under pressure.

Experiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant, and Food Service Management in Ha Long City

Students also benefited from networking opportunities, establishing connections with industry professionals that could aid their career progression. The program fostered a sense of confidence and professionalism, traits that are indispensable in the hospitality industry.

By bridging the gap between theory and practice, HaUI is preparing its students to become competent and compassionate professionals, ready to take on the challenges of the global hospitality industry. This hands-on approach enhances their employability and ensures they are well-equipped to contribute positively to the industry’s growth and development.

Experiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant, and Food Service Management in Ha Long CityExperiential Learning for HaUI Students Majoring in Hospitality Management, Restaurant, and Food Service Management in Ha Long City

  • Thursday, 08:16 16/05/2024